Oh, so much has happened this week! 

FIRST of all I'm excited to tell you that I had my first experience (during my mission) seeing a General Authority but no not one I tell you but 10! Haha yes, yes you did hear that right. So let me tell you the story... So when we send out mail we go downstairs to the church office building, it's actually a cafeteria and a post office in an underground parking garage. I know weird, I was so surprised that it was all down there I had no idea. Anyway so how we get there is we go down the elevator in the Joseph Smith Memorial building and then walk down this hallway which leads us to the underground parking garage. So Sister Jung and I were walking down the hall way and just as we walk out the doors leading in to the parking garage a security guard very politely asks us to wait just a minute. We turn and heads so see why he asks us to stop and not 2 feet in front of us we see Boyd K Packer, L. Tom Perry, Russell M Neilson, Dalin H. Oaks, M. Russell Ballard, Richard G. Scott, Robert D. Hales, Jeffery R. Holland, David A. Bednar and D. Todd Christoferson walk by!!!! I was so shocked!!! Haha they all turned and either nodded or said 'Hello Sisters' as they walked past. Wow it was a really neat experience. It's amazing how you can really feel that these men are prophets, seers and revelators even in a parking garage! The spirit was so strong and I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. It was a really neat experience for me.

Oh, oh and guess who else I saw and actually got to meet! JOHN BYTHEWAY! He was here speaking to a youth conference at one of the theaters. When we go to the computers to call people we walk right past the theater and so when I was walking past I glanced by and was so surprised to see him there! He was sooooo nice and came and shook our hands and talked to us for a couple minutes. He saw Sister Jung's Korean flag so he was telling us all about a store in Korea that's called 'Buy the way' he thought it was neat because it was "named after him" haha. It was so cool to be able to talk to him and find out he's actually as nice as he sounds on tape.

I LOVE serving my mission on Temple Square!!! And not just because I'm able to see all of these amazing people who we all know so well but I get to meet so many amazing people every day!

 I love teaching the gospel, there is nothing that makes me happier than to share what I know and love so much. I'm so blessed to not only be able to teach non-members but members too. Everyone that comes to Temple Square needs to be enlightened and feel the Spirit and as I am able to share scriptures with everyone and help them feel closer to the Savior it is such a wonderful experience!

Oh Andre is getting baptized on Saturday :) I'm so excited for him! All of my other investigators are doing great! I love them so much and I love to see them progress. Ah so many wonderful people.

Mom thank you for the email!! I love hearing from you! I sent you a letter which I hope you get before you leave for 2 weeks. I sent it to Fort McMurray. Mother darling I also have the thank you so much for 'taking me and my companion out for dinner' IT WAS SO GOOD! I will send you pictures. We were so excited and the food was soooooooo good. I love you, thank you thank you. Oh thank you for the letter :) It was nice seeing your writing again. I miss you but not in a sad way. I will send my passport off tomorrow, thank you for all your help. Dad too thank you. A lot of the time when I address mom I mean dad too because I know you both help me out together.  

 THANK YOU xoxoxooxox  Oh dear I have need of medical help too :( I have had such a sore lower back the past couple days. I think it is from sitting at the computers for long amounts of time. It's not unbearable but it is very uncomfortable. Does anyone have any advice? A certain exercise or something I can do to make it feel better. Thank you.

OH my goodness I almost forgot to tell you about the fire alarm! Wow there has been lots of excitement this week. Okay so last night Sister Williams (new room-mate also my room-mate in the MTC, she is from Arizona and her companion is from China) decided she wanted to do some baking. We were all in the Kitchen I was making sweet and sour pork and Sister Chen was making some boiled chicken or something and Sister Jung was watching :) So I didn't really notice that Sister Williams had put wax paper in a 400 degree oven until I smelt the smoke. I was stirring the pork so that the sauce didn't burn but I kept smelling something burning I saw some smoke coming up from the other burner and I was confused because I just had it on but I was sure I turned it off. I asked the other Sisters and they smelled something funny too, so that's when Sister Williams opened the oven to see a huge wave a smoke coming billowing out. It wasn't on fire just really, really, REALLY smokey so we turned off the oven and started fanning the alarms with towels to prevent the alarm from going off... but it didn't work... at all. The entire building alarm went off actually which means that the hall lights start flashing and a REALLY LOUD alarm starts going off and EVERYONE has to leave the building and go to the field behind it. Ahhh it was so crazy, and all for just some burnt rolls. It was really cold outside but it was okay because I got the sisters in my zone to start singing primary action songs and it cheered them up. We actually had a pretty good time. We only had to wait about 20 minutes before we could go back inside (the firetrucks came so we had to wait for them to check it out). Moral of the story don't bake with wax paper on a high heat and when you are cold sing primary songs :) Sister Jung recorded a video of us fanning the alarms so I will send it to you.Ah I'm so out of time! I love you thank you for writing me. I love hearing from you.

LOTS OF LOVE  Sister Turner 

Teresa Swain
3/21/2012 12:54:51 am

Hi Emily,

It sounds like you are having the absolute time of your life. That is so great. You really are an amazing woman. I have a piece of advice for your back -- get a tennis ball and every hour for a minute roll the tennis ball up and down your back on either side of your spine against a wall. (like you were doing squats) It massages the area and it feels great. My physiotherapist turned me onto that trick because when I'm working I'm sitting for long periods too. Anyway, lots of love and keep enjoying yourself. Love ya, Teresa


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